About Us

We Are Your Favourite Store.

At i-Ronny.com, we are passionate about music. We are passionate about sharing it. Unheard music. Untapped talent. All things music and tech. That's us!

Our vision is to be the premier distribution company for vocal music across the world.

Music Distribution

Our platform provides a unique opportunity to distribute music for our artists to vast audiences within and beyond our country. We use a set of tools to market the music and rely on our industry partners achieve our objectives.

Numbers Speak For Themselves!

Years of Service
0 +
Published Artists
Published Songs
Tapali umbi, Awesome album that was. When the roll is called up yonder was my song.
Jacob Mwale

Guaranteed Creativity

Discover talent. Enjoy it. Share it.

Our collection of music is as varied as there are styles and genres!

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